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Rev up your life-force and libido
Feel stronger and more in control of your boundaries
Get rid of toxic shame
Enjoy these soothing hypnosis audios by Kaz Riley, internationally renowned hypnotherapist specializing in women's sexual issues and author of "Woman."

Letting Your Life Force Soar
Letting Your Life Force Soar
Imagine your life force as a beautiful hot air balloon and experience a sense of freedom as your life force and libido soar. As a woman, your sexual pleasure is an important part of your life force.

Strengthen Your Psychological Boundaries
Strengthen Your Psychological Boundaries
Would you like to feel stronger, calmer, and more in control? This calming audio helps you create a strong psychological boundary and you can choose what to include in your boundary.

Healing Your Younger Self
Healing Your Younger Self
This calming audio helps you release shame and embrace sensuality and sexual pleasure. It is meant to be listened to after the first and second Kaz Riley audios that we offer here (Letting Your Life Force Soar and Strengthening Your Psychological Boundaries).

Embodied Yes and No
Embodied Yes and No
If you would like to become clearer and firmer about what is a “Yes” or a “No” for you, listen to this calming audio.

Autogenic Training With a Twist
Autogenic Training With a Twist
This unique audio can calm your nervous system and also help you to embrace your sensuality and sexuality.